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  Volunteer Hours                

We can provide documentation for your volunteer hours. To receive credit, all sessions must be scheduled in your ENGin account at After each session, your students must confirm whether the session occurred and its actual duration.

Starting July 1, 2024: Volunteer Hours Confirmation will only be given for sessions confirmed by the student.

For Sessions before July 1, 2024: We will not require student confirmation to certify your volunteer hours.

Starting April 1, 2024: To receive credit, you must be up to date on progress tracking for your student(s). For more information on completing evaluations for your student(s), read this guide on Progress Tracking.

For sessions prior to September 2022, we will also accept tracking on the Google Sheets hours tracker. However, all sessions in September 2022 and beyond will only be counted if they have been properly logged on the ENGin platform. Please keep in mind that we cannot certify preparation time. 

When you need any kind of verification from us, please submit a service hours request form. Please give us 7 days for each verification!


👉🏼If you violate program rules and are asked to leave because of non-compliance—such as frequently canceling meetings without offering to reschedule, or becoming unresponsive—we will only certify the sessions recorded on the platform and only those confirmed by your student prior to your removal. At the same time certification will only be granted if you have fulfilled the minimum commitment of at least 3 months (10-12 hour-long sessions).

👉🏼If you are removed from the program due to serious violations, such as harassment, abuse, discrimination, or other severe offenses, no hours will be certified.

(1) Volunteer supervisor: 

Yana Voloshyna

Volunteer Support Specialist

1 (203) 903-8709


(2) Service hours request - fill out when you are ready for us to verify your hours. This includes all verification requests, even those that will come from your school or employerMake a service hours request

We can provide you with our own hours confirmation document, which looks like this: sample ENGin form. You can also upload a form for us to sign. Or, if your school needs to send the form or online verification request directly to us, that’s fine too. 

  ENGin Volunteer Service Awards  

Our volunteers play a pivotal role in ENGin's success. Our Volunteer Service Awards recognize the extraordinary work of our most active volunteers, who dedicate countless hours to their students and promote ENGin and its mission through outreach. Their efforts help move us toward our mission of connecting Ukraine to the world, propelling the nation's postwar reconstruction and economic and social development.

For questions and assistance, please email Sophia Koropeckyj at

We are offering three levels of certificates with the following eligibility requirements:


50 hours of sessions with one or more ENGin students - must be documented on 


80 hours of sessions with one or more ENGin students PLUS five outreach activities. Click here for a list of acceptable outreach activities.


120 hours of sessions with one or more ENGin students PLUS five outreach activities PLUS organizing an ENGin fundraising event in your local community. Click here for a list of acceptable outreach activities.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, you may receive an award by completing the application here and paying the administrative fee of 20 U.S. dollars here. Certificates will be awarded on an ongoing basis, as applications are received and verified.

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