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ENGin is an independent grassroots nonprofit funded primarily by donations from our volunteers and their networks. In 2025, we need to raise at least $650,000 to keep the program going. Every contribution, regardless of size, makes a difference. Contributions are eligible for tax benefits for donors in the US, UK, Switzerland, and Germany.

If you can, please consider making a monthly donation - you'll be automatically enrolled in our monthly membership program with special members-only benefits. We also encourage you to check out our guide to accessing corporate donations from your employer - an easy way to make a big impact. If you have any giving-specific questions, please reach out to Thank you for your support! 


All donations are tax-deductible (tax ID 88-3527494)


In Ukraine? Send Money via Card

Make a Donation of Stock

Donate from the UK, Switzerland, or Germany

All Other International Donations

Donate with crypto


PO Box 10225

Rockville, MD 20849​

Please contact for bank account details.


Did you know that one of the easiest and most impactful ways to support ENGin is tapping into your employer's corporate giving programs? In 2024, ENGin received funding from 20+ companies, ranging from $100 - $25,000. Each of these contributions was sparked by a volunteer reaching out to their employer. 

Here are 5 ways you can help us receive funding from your employer - most without spending a single dollar of your own money! If you are currently working, please take a minute to reach out to your firm's HR, CSR, or employee engagement team to see which options may be open to you. 

  • (1) Volunteer hours matching: Some companies make a donation to a nonprofit for every hour you volunteer (usually between $10-$25/hour). All you need to do is log your volunteer hours on your corporate portal - ENGin Inc, EIN 88-3527494 - and ENGin will receive a donation.

  • (2) Grants: Some companies allow employees to nominate a nonprofit to receive a grant. The application form is usually very short and simple, and grants might range from $500-$2500 or higher. Our volunteers have successfully nominated us for small corporate grants targeted towards education, DEI, and female empowerment.

  • (3) Donation matching: Some companies will match donations you make to a nonprofit - a few will even provide a double match. So, for instance, if you donate $50 to ENGin, the company may provide another $50 or even $100.

  • (4) Employee giving campaigns: Some companies run a charitable giving campaign through which employees can donate to the charity of their choice. You can approach whoever is in charge of administering the campaign at your company to request that ENGin appear as a featured giving or volunteer opportunity. 

  • (5) Running a fundraiser: Some companies allow employees to set up a fundraiser and promote a cause they care about to their department or the entire organization to raise funds from their colleagues.


The tryzub, or trident, is an ancient Ukrainian symbol dating back to the 10th century and symbolizing strength. Donors giving $1,000 or more become members of our Tryzub Society to honor their role in sustaining ENGin's life-changing work. Tryzub Society members receive one-of-a-kind gifts from Ukraine, a direct line to ENGin’s CEO, and early invitations to ENGin events.


Our membership program for current and former volunteers is the perfect opportunity to engage more deeply with ENGin while supporting our students and team.​


To ensure membership is accessible to our diverse volunteer base, there is no minimum fee - just set up a monthly donation of any size using the form above. (If you would like to make your recurring contributions on a different schedule or via a different method, please email

As a member,  you will receive an exclusive newsletter with direct-from-Ukraine content and early-bird access to special events with Ukrainian experts from a variety of fields. ENGin members pledging $50 or more per month also receive a special gift of ENGin merchandise.


  • Support our scholarship program: In 2025, we launched a scholarship program to ensure that ENGin remains accessible to all Ukrainians. You can donate directly to our scholarship fund here.

  • Business Sponsorships: There are multiple ways to support ENGin through sponsorship, with a variety of recognition options for your business. 

  • Donate from your Retirement Fund: Make a donation from your IRA or Retirement Fund via an IRA Charitable Distribution. If you have reached age 70 ½, you are eligible to make a year-end donation from your IRA without income tax consequences.

  • Planned Giving: Include ENGin in a bequest in your will.

Please contact to explore any of these opportunities. ENGin is registered for charitable solicitations in the state of Delaware and is exempt from federal income tax under 26 U.S.C. Section 501(c)(3). This portal is provided solely for the convenience of existing supporters and is not intended for broader solicitation.

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